Container Storage Insurance

Cover Includes

  • No Excess
  • External and Internal Stored Metal Containers
  • Contents Valued from £1,000 - £20,000
  • Certificate Instantly Sent via Email
  • No Hidden Fees

Container Storage Insurance for External and Internal Storage Containers

With an increasing number of people currently opting to use self-storage, the most popular option is to store your belongings in a secured facility with the containers kept within the interior. Typically, storage insurance is mandatory, and there are many options on the market that will cover the items that you leave with them in storage.

However, we are seeing more and more businesses are offering storage services in external facilities which come with different levels of risks, resulting in some insurance providers being unable to cover your personal effects.

Our Container Storage Insurance allows you freedom of choice over the type of facility, providing it is purpose-built, where you can use and store your property, allowing you to relax knowing that your items are safeguarded from most events that are out of your control.

On average we are 3 times cheaper than buying your insurance directly from your storage provider, with you having the choice of 3 levels of cover tailored made for your pocket.

With our comprehensive and affordable insurance for storage unit contents, you can live life confidently knowing that your belongings are protected up to the value of your choice from £1,000 - £20,000 without breaking the bank and saving you money compared to other providers.

Our Policies Change Lives

SAGIC who are owned by The Salvation Army underwrite all the storage insurance cover insurance policies and are the only insurer to return 100% of their profit to charity, not to shareholders. When you purchase your insurance policy with us, you’ll not only be protecting yourself with a comprehensive policy for your needs, but you’ll also be helping to raise much-needed funds for The Salvation Army to help people in need and vital community projects across the UK.

Container Storage Insurance Cover for home and business contents includes:
  • Your computer and electronic office equipment
  • Your deeds, registered bonds, and other personal documents up to the value of £1,000
  • Your household furnishings, furniture, carpets, curtains, and home appliances, including gas and electric cookers and telephone equipment
  • Your pedal cycles up to the value of £1,000 per cycle
  • Your machinery, stock, tools, and plant
  • Your personal possessions
  • Any stamp collections and coin collections, with proof of ownership and providence up to the value of £1,000
  • Any other valuables up to the value of £1,000
Further benefits including loss or damage to your stored contents in the event of:
  • No Excess
  • Natural disasters, to include lightning, earthquake, storm, flood, and weight of snow
  • Fire and explosion
  • Leaking water/liquid from fixed water tanks and pipes
  • Theft and attempted theft, with proof of violent breaking and entering for example broken locks
  • Falling trees, telegraph poles and lamp posts
  • Collision by a vehicle or animal
  • Impact by aircraft and other flying devices or items dropped from flying aircraft
  • Rioters, violent disorders, strikes, labour disturbances, civil commotion, and malicious acts

Get a quote for your Container Storage Insurance policy by simply clicking on the below button